May 8, 2023
wheel alignment

Maintaining the health of your vehicle is essential to ensure it runs smoothly and safely. One of the most important aspects of vehicle maintenance is wheel alignment. Your car’s wheels must be precisely aligned for optimal performance and to prevent premature tire wear. However, many car owners are unaware of the signs that indicate their vehicle needs a wheel alignment or how often it should be done.

What Is A Tire Alignment?

Tire alignment refers to an adjustment made to the vehicle’s suspension. It is the system that facilitates contact between vehicles and tires. The main idea behind tire alignments is to offer an adequate angle to the wheels so that they make proper contact with the road.

What Does a Wheel Alignment Do?

A wheel alignment is a process that adjusts the angles of a vehicle’s wheels to the manufacturer’s recommended specifications. During a wheel alignment, a mechanic will use specialized equipment to measure and adjust three key angles: camber, caster, and toe. Camber refers to the angle of the wheels when viewed from the front or back of the vehicle, caster refers to the angle of the steering axis, and toe refers to the angle of the wheels when viewed from above. By adjusting these angles, a wheel alignment can improve a vehicle’s handling, stability, and overall performance. It can also help to prevent uneven tire wear, which can lead to the need for premature tire replacement.

How Frequently Do You Need a Tire Alignment?

It is advised to have your tire aligned on a yearly basis, but to know what is best for your car, you should check out the owner’s manual. In this, the manufacturer explains how many alignments there in your vehicle are and how often they need to be changed.

Driving conditions play a significant role in determining the time duration between which you must change the alignment. If you ride your vehicle through extreme conditions, then you must change your vehicle alignment more often. Pothole-riddled roads are also among the situations that impact the efficiency of wheel alignment.

Your vehicle provides certain signs that indicate that it’s time to change the alignment. If you experience any of the below things, you should get your vehicle checked –

  • Uneven wear on the tire
  • The vehicle is making a flopping sound when driving. It can be the indication of underinflated tires, alignment issues, or both.
  • If you hit a pothole that jarred the vehicle
  • If the vehicle keeps pulling in one direction
  • If there is vibration in the steering wheel while driving

Why is it a Good Idea to Get Wheel Alignment?

Wheel alignments are a crucial part of vehicle maintenance that can significantly impact your driving experience. Misaligned wheels can cause a variety of problems, including uneven tire wear, decreased fuel efficiency, and even safety concerns. By regularly getting your wheels aligned, you can ensure that your vehicle is performing at its best, with optimal handling, stability, and tire longevity. Investing in a wheel alignment can also save you money in the long run, by preventing costly repairs and extending the life of your tires. So, if you want to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely, make sure to schedule regular wheel alignments with the Honda experts at Royal Honda.